Tweeted Out of Office?

Students at the College of Charleston tried to impeach Ross Kressel due to some things he posted on his Twitter account (@rosskresselabout) about black students, the breasts of a woman woman on campus, and what I assume he a meant “flaming” guy, not a “flamming” one.

Students argue that his tweets were discriminatory, a bad leadership example, etc., especially since he gets paid. According to The Post and Courier, “The college’s student body president earns $13.50 per hour for performing his or her duties, and can earn up to the value of a year of in-state tuition. This year’s in-state tuition rate is $9,616”. The same website conducted a poll on whether he should be impeached – a ‘69%’ yes to a 31%’ no’ as of this morning.

But what do you guys think? You can vote here.

One thought on “Tweeted Out of Office?

  1. I agree he should be impeached because he is supposed to be a leader, and by making those comments shows that he must not care much about his duties. Since, he said those with out thinking about how it could effect his life and other’s lives.
